If you believe someone is using your domain name in bad faith (e.g., obtained a domain name similar to your domain name or with slight typographical errors similar to your domain name or is using a metatag with your domain name or mark), you need the power of an...
We conduct comprehensive trademark searches, which include the US federal, state, common law, Canadian, UK, German, EU, & WIPO trademark databases. We also check top level domain names. Why do you conduct a trademark search? Because you must know before you...
In October of 2011, Occupy.com was put up for sale by its owner, and it was brokered by New York based domain name and IP attorney Karen J. Bernstein. I put up a poll at the time asking the value of the domain name, and about 30% of those who responded thought it was...
A Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Procedure (UDRP) is an administrative proceeding brought by aggrieved trademark holders either before the National Arbitration Forum (NAF) or the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). A UDRP action is an economical...
Domainer Awarded $30k after being Named in Bogus Counterfeiting Lawsuit: Judge says sanctions warranted against plantiffs and lawyer. Remember domain investor VL Raymer, who found herself wrongly named in an alleged counterfeiting ring of Primp™ products last year?...